There is a new option in this game after fulfilling quite a few quests (when you receive the shop in Tangiers) to purchase a telegraph machine.

Your choice.create recipes with low cost ingredients for less overhead OR use the most expensive ingredients and gain a higher profit margin OR combine the low cost and high cost items. BE CREATIVE! Use the Secret Test Kitchen to create your own recipes and to have success in this game.You can scroll over the ingredients and get the price range/s of products you have purchased previously.Most quests lead to bigger and better things. Accept as many quests as you can.even if you'd make more profit by selling the items at a shop. You'll probably receive a/several new quest/s. Check the buildings at every port often to see what new things the characters have to say. Do this several times and select "okay" each time to exit the market and the day/s will change after doing this several times.